windmill 3.1.2
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- fixed a case on macOS Mojave where the Help Book search would return the last opened Help page or none at all.
- fixed a case where failing to add a project wouldn’t show an alert with a recovery suggestion. - Thanks J-Philippe M. for reporting this!
- fixed a case where a distributed app on the iPhone was missing its bundle display name and build version.
- removed the requirement for an Xcode project to specifically have a remote ‘origin’; first will search for ‘origin’, second will select the first on the list.
- updated the Help Book, Xcode Integration section with more screenshots to help visualise each step.
- fixed a case where the distribute stage would fail with a log message “Response status code was unaceptable: 500.”
- the Help search returns the last opened Help page.
- use the contents panel to navigate to a section.
- you can now add multiple projects and/or branches for Windmill to monitor. (⌥⌘O)
- Introducing Workflow. Under the ‘File’ menu, press and hold the Option key (⌥), select ‘Open at Branch…’. Choose the Xcode project/workspace on the repository with the branch you want Windmill to start monitoring.
- fixed a case where no logs would appear in the console after enough times a project run.
- fixed a case where the scheme used by Windmill to build the project doesn’t appear up in the list of schemes.
- fixed a case where Windmill would fail to build/test/archive/export a project with a ‘existing Resultbundle at path…’ error.
- added distilled log when a signing error occurs due to an “Unknown Team”.
- the Help search returns the last opened Help page.
- use the contents panel to navigate to a section.
- for any projects that have the iCloud capability enabled, the exported IPA will now use the ‘Production’ iCloud container to align with what a TestFlight beta uses.
- enables the distribution of your application to Windmill on the iPhone for over the air installation to registered devices. A subscripion is required.
- mininimum compatibility is raised to macOS 10.14 Mojave and Xcode 10.
- now showing commit date and author in the side panel.
- now showing distilled logs in case the checkout stage fails due to a “host key verification error”.
- the log will now report compiler warnings in an orange colour and a warning icon to differentiate from errors.
- improved the contrast of the console text in dark mode.
- fixed a case where adding a new project while Windmill is monitoring an existing one, would cause the main window to reset to its initial position.
- fixed a case where the export stage would fail for an app with an iCloud capability enabled.
- fixed a case when selecting “Show Me” on the notification during startup would cause Windmill to unexpectedly close.
- this version is not backwards compatible with earlier versions.
- add again the Xcode project you want Windmill to monitor.
- the Help search returns the last opened Help page.
- use the contents panel to navigate to a section.
- there is a case where no logs are beeing shown.
- please restart the Windmill app.
- fixed compatibility with Xcode 10.2 beta 1 that caused Windmill to fail with a “Failed to list devices” error.
- Xcode 10.2 beta 1 also fixes a Xcode 10.1 related issue where Windmill reports the export “Signing Certificate” as “Unknown”
- new Dark Mode and light appearance
- new distilled logs matching Xcode 10 output
- fixed a case where adding an Xcode project/workspace via the Finder menu would not bring up the Windmill window
- fixed a case on macOS 10.14 Mojave where the icon for each artefact view was not visible
- added a thorough Help book covering the topics “Getting Started”, “Windmill Basics”, “Xcode Integration”, “Working with external dependencies” and “Get in touch”. You can access it from the “Help” -> “Windmill Help” menu.
- fixed a case where a workspace would fail in the archive stage with an error log of “Missing module [name of module]”. - Thanks Alexander for reporting this!
- fixed a case where not all of the available schemes would show up for a specific Xcode workspace configuration. - Thanks Alexander for reporting this!
- fixed a case where the Application bundle wasn’t created for a specific Xcode workspace configuration. - Thanks Alexander for reporting this!
- you can now see the Xcode project/workspace filename that Windmill monitors (View > Show Tab Bar).
- added more distilled logs (e.g. code generation) to better communicate progress.
- fixed a case where a project would fail to build (“Failed to list devices with exit code 1”) - Thanks Callum for reporting this!
- fixed a case where a project would fail to export yet an error wouldn’t be reported, when using a scheme that does not build an app.
- improved detection of a project’s scheme.
- added more distilled logs (e.g. while cloning a repo) to better communicate progress.
- fixed a case where Windmill would fail to build an Xcode workspace.
- e.g. when using a workspace as part of a CocoaPods installation - Thanks Andrew for reporting this!
- fixed a crash on getting started caused by failing to detect the repository of a project.
- fixed a case where Windmill would stop monitoring if the product name contained white spaces.
- added support for bringing in external dependencies when using CocoaPods, Carthage.
- open the Windmill Help menu (⌘?) to see detailed steps.
- added support for Xcode projects that are not at the root of the repository.
- will now report on any errors that caused Windmill to stop. (⌘')
- Error Highlighting.
- will now generate a distilled “pretty” view of logs. (⇧⌘Y)
- Distilled Log.
- you can now install the Application bundle on the Simulator or save it for future reference.
- Install the app on the Simulator.
- you can now launch the app on the Simulator. (⌘L)
- Launch the app on the Simulator.
- added a test report with the number of succesful or failed tests run.
- added a test summary showing every test that run.
- Test Summary.
- added the option to “skip” the checkout stage on the next Run (⌥⌘R) if a repository is already available locally.
- this can be useful if you want to debug the current error by working on the Xcode project as used by Windmill. It can also be useful in case there is no network connection and you just want to force Windmill to do a single pass of the cached source code.
- added the ability to create a short video recording on the Simulator. (⌘S)
- Record and share a 10 second clip.
- Previews are features that are not quite there yet. Do not rely on them working as expected. Having said that, do use them and please send your feedback. You can enable Previews under Preferences. (⌘,)
- fixes a crash when dragging a folder with a repository that doesn’t have a remote “origin” specified. - Thanks Paul for reporting this!
- Did you know that in Swift “If you try to access [..] a value for an index that is outside of an array’s existing bounds, you will trigger a runtime error.” instead of getting an Optional?
- support for git submodules. Windmill will now fetch and update any submodules as part of monitoring your main repo for code changes.
- if you have already linked a project that used git submodules prior to this version, just force Windmill to perform a full checkout by holding ⌥⇧⌘K when it fails to build.
- Windmill would fail to build a project with a scheme that contains ‘white space characters’ with a message “Windmill ‘showBuildSettings’ failed with exit code: (65)”. - Thanks Christopher for reporting this!
- improved scheme auto detection to get started faster.
- showing your project’s schemes so that you choose the one to monitor.
- will now bounce the dock in case of an error so you know monitoring has stopped.