windmill 3.1.2
windmill 2.0.0
Wed, 25 Apr 2018 15:14:00 +0300
- fixed a case where Windmill would fail to build an Xcode workspace.
- e.g. when using a workspace as part of a CocoaPods installation - Thanks Andrew for reporting this!
- fixed a crash on getting started caused by failing to detect the repository of a project.
- fixed a case where Windmill would stop monitoring if the product name contained white spaces.
- added support for bringing in external dependencies when using CocoaPods, Carthage.
- open the Windmill Help menu (⌘?) to see detailed steps.
- added support for Xcode projects that are not at the root of the repository.
- will now report on any errors that caused Windmill to stop. (⌘')
- Error Highlighting.
- will now generate a distilled “pretty” view of logs. (⇧⌘Y)
- Distilled Log.
- you can now install the Application bundle on the Simulator or save it for future reference.
- Install the app on the Simulator.
- you can now launch the app on the Simulator. (⌘L)
- Launch the app on the Simulator.
- added a test report with the number of succesful or failed tests run.
- added a test summary showing every test that run.
- Test Summary.
- added the option to “skip” the checkout stage on the next Run (⌥⌘R) if a repository is already available locally.
- this can be useful if you want to debug the current error by working on the Xcode project as used by Windmill. It can also be useful in case there is no network connection and you just want to force Windmill to do a single pass of the cached source code.
- added the ability to create a short video recording on the Simulator. (⌘S)
- Record and share a 10 second clip.
- Previews are features that are not quite there yet. Do not rely on them working as expected. Having said that, do use them and please send your feedback. You can enable Previews under Preferences. (⌘,)